Green Roof Types
What are the different types of Green Roof?
Worldwide Green Roofs are placed in three different types. Certainly, the transitions from one to another type is seamless. After all, the intended or desired plant community for a Green Roof will determine the Green Roof types. Additionally, the overall thickness, weight, and expected maintenance of the greenery defines the type of Green Roof, too.
Green Roof Technology added to these 3 types of Green Roofs, two additional: Solar Garden Roof and Blue Green Roof. Because these newer types are already mentioned in the latest German FLL guideline, it is certainly worth to explain these, too.

For example: A seamless transition of different types of Green Roofs on one roof. Explanatory picture from 1982
In the early 1980's the German FLL-Guideline for Green Roofs "invented" three (3) main categories to standardize Green Roofs. Extensive ▪️ Semi SEMI-Intesive ▪️ Intensive. In fact, in the late 1990's Jörg Breuning introduced these categories to the Anglo-American professional community. Additionally, he made the first translations into English. Since, these categories are accepted around the world. Of course, the FLL-Guideline is the mother and blueprint of all Green Roof guidelines and standards around the world, too.
Intended Plant Community
For instance, if a professional chooses a specific plant selection for a Green Roof, it is called an intended or desired plant community. However, such a plant community is only a snap shot of this moment.
Because we all know that plants grow, that other plants come in (e.g. airborne seeds), and that some plants get replaced, the Green Roof undergoes changes. As horticulturalists, we know that nature or any plant community lives through natural succession.
Green Roof maintenance can manage the general timeline for natural succession, but it cannot stop nature by doing her thing. In other words, there is a chance that the type of Green Roof will alter. Especially, the increase of extreme weather patterns requires new the means and measures for managing natural succession continuously. For that reason, crafting Green Roofs for over 40 years is an advantage.
With respect of Climate Change; data from existing Green Roofs research will get obsolete soon. Our tailored Green Roof solutions are prepared for the uncertain future and for existing Green Roofs we have smart solutions to adjust without replacement. In other words: We have common (horticultural) sense.
Green Roof Research
Moreover, Green Roof Technology massively supported Green Roof research in different countries over the last three 3 decades. Therefore, in most research we criticized the lack of common sense, considerations for Climate Change, and not using standardized materials or methods. However, all research came to almost the same results in their snapshots. Basically, all Green Roof benefits are confirmed endlessly.
Based on the environmental challanges the next generations will face, it is now time investing research funds into massive Green Roof installations of all types. The time of sitting in a climate controlled laboratory is over! The industry needs hands-on people who do the hard work at any weather for the installation of Green Roofs. Especially in North America, means and methods of Green Roof installation techniques lack far behind most European countries. In short, combat Climate Change by doing and not by researching. We do have all the data we need.
For example Solar Garden Roofs and Blue Green Roofs are Green Roof types that are future oriented. They increase sustainability, resilience and Return of Investment when fully integrated with one or more Green Roof types.
All Green Roof Types on one roof
For example, advanced modern Green Roof technology with a smart combination of all types of Green Roofs. Additionally, fully integrated Solar Garden Roof, Blue Green Roof, Smart roof drains, and amenity space. Certainly, all without any penetration into the roofing as a seamless or continues solution.
©️ System solution and picture by Green Roof Technology and Klima Roof
Green Roof
Semi Intensive
Green Roof
Solar Garden Roof
Solar Green Roof
Blue Green Roofs
Blue Roofs
Green Roof Technology crafts lit·er·al·ly endless varieties and combinations of vegetated covers. In fact, for any impervious surface from 0° - 90° (yes, vertically) angle.
Any seamless combination of different Green Roof types is possible. The limit is the sky.
What do you have in mind? We love to help!
Because seamless types of Green Roofs include everything a roof can hold. Amenity decks/spaces with planters or landscaped garden. Also integration of technical roof equipment, railings and safety devices. Moreover, smart roof drains, Blue Green Roof technology, and renewable energy sources. For instance solar or micro wind mills. After all, we bring all together.
Advanced Green Roof Types
Specifically, engineered and seamless with Blue Green Roof and Solar Green Roof options for any Climate Zone.
Standard Green Roof Types
After all, over 4 decades in modern Green Roof technology. No plastic options and for all Climate Zones