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Crafting Green Roofs

Sharing History – Rooflite Soils

Green Roofs 360° / February 23, 2010

It is no secret that Rooflite Soils produced by Skyland USA LLC is the leading brand for FLL-certified Green Roof growing media in North America.
In 2002/2003 Jorg Breuning, Green Roof Technology visited Laurel Valley Farms, Joe Di’Norscia to evaluate opportunities for creating FLL certified growth media for Green Roof projects. In this process it was clear that Laurel Valley Farms had the capability to produce quality soil blends. They were also delighted to start a new company together with Green Roof Technology that focuses on blending and supplying Green Roof growth media to North America. The company Skyland USA LLC was formed with Green Roof Technology as a founding member.
To ensure consistent quality it was also crucial that product testing can be facilitated at an independent laboratory. Jörg Breuning connected Agricultural Analytical Services Laboratory at Pennstate University with his mentor Prof. Dr. Stephan Roth-Kleyer at the University of Applied Science in Geisenheim, Germany. Prof. Dr. Stephan Roth-Kleyer substantially helped to setup FLL testing for Green Roof growing media and laid the foundation for supreme quality for all Rooflite Soil products.

The first Rooflite Soil job with FL-certified growth media in North America was at Swarthmore College – one of the nation’s finest institutions of higher learning – near Philadelphia.

In 2010 Jörg Breuning returned his shares of Skyland USA LLC to the majority owners, giving them the opportunity to grow nationwide on their own terms.
Since the FLL testing and quality requirements have been often discussed among academics and approved to be the best solution for resilient and sustainable Green Roof construction around the world. Most FLL criteria are even converted into American ASTM standards and with time they hopefully adopt this Guideline entirely.

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