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Crafting Green Roofs


Grandfather Breuning presenting at Garden Show 1936 Stuttgart. Was he also on a Green Roof mission?

Green Roof Mission - tradition, heritage

Philosophy - Green Roof Mission

Our goal is to offer our clients reliable and top-notch expertise. Thanks to Jorg Breuning, Green Roof Technology's unparalleled experience, our ethical and cost-effective services begin to pay off right from the start.

We firmly believe that ecological responsibility should not be a luxury reserved for a select few. Green measures and Green Infrastructure offer a higher return on investment for society as a whole. It requires collaborative action to make a real difference. If just 10% of our money in construction is dedicated to living green, the economy and quality of life for all will see significant improvements.

With over 40 years business experience in Green Infrastructure, we have witnessed a lot. Our strong mission and philosophy may clash with those seeking quick returns on investment. Our focus is not on taking advantage of others, but on working together for the greater good. In short, from the initial planning stages to the final implementation, we achieve more through trust. The most successful collaborations are those that consider future generations, strive to do their best, and leave only a positive impact.

We love to work with you on your Green Infrastructure project!

Green Roof mission and Green Infrastructure


Unlike others, Jörg Breuning is one of a few people on earth who actively shaped the beginning of the modern Green Roof industry in Europe/Germany more than 4 decades ago. As a result he introduced Green Roofs to North America in 1999 through Green Roof Technology. It is safe to say that Green Roof Technology is one of the founding fathers of Green Roofs in the United States and has been building its portfolio in ecological excellence for over 40 years.

Green Roof Technology is transferring technology from the leading German Green Roof industry to North America. In conclusion Green Roof Technology added tremendous value in biophilic design, sustainable engineering, and Green Infrastructure over the last 20 years. This includes solutions like Green Roofs, Green Walls, Green Rail Road Tracks, natural swimming pools, advanced composting technology, PV/Solar combinations with vegetation, plastic-free green roofs, aggregates for a circular economy through urban mining. Elevating North America into a high level of sustainability and resilience is the path we go.


Because we take our leadership in this industry very serious, we helped establishing organizations such as Green Roofs for Healthy Cities (GRHC) and green roof standards (ASTM). Further we supported many Americans to successfully start their careers in this industry. Finally, Mr. Breuning put his finishing touches to most known key-players in the North American Green Roof industry.


Jörg Breuning represents reliable, robust, and enduring scientific work, as opposed to hasty reductionist studies aimed at obtaining a dubious title or fleeting attention. This extensive knowledge, combined with extensive global experience and practical skills, forms the core of his seminars, workshops, and academic lectures.

Green Roof Technology offers essential components for sustainable design, advocates for eco-friendly solutions, and promotes Cradle 2 Cradle principles in North America, facilitating the realization of innovations on various scales. The company focuses on practical support and essential resources rather than trendy buzzwords.

Crafting Green Infrastructure for over 40 years.

Green Roof Mission rooted in 

Our roots are growing deep!
Find out more about industry changing innovation here: Innovations by Jörg Breuning.

Green roof Mission
Jörg Breuning in a phone call with Elon Musk in 1967 😉 - yes, it also fun working with us

Jörg Breuning, Green Roof Expert Extraordinaire

He is the founder and owner of the Green Roof design and crafting firm Green Roof Technology.

While others might have some combined experience, Mr. Breuning truly has over 40 years of broad specialized experience on structures. Ranging from roofing, water proofing, Green Roofs and Green Walls. Additionally specialized in food roofs, Blue/Green Roofs, Brown Field roofs, and Solar Garden Roofs. Furthermore, Jörg invented Monolithic Smart Roofs with low/high tech stormwater detention and retention, all without the excessive use of unhealthy components. Because your design intend leads to right Green Roof system! In collaboration with your building and design professionals we stay within a given budget and so without hidden costs.
We stand for: Common sense instead of fancy words, trendy phrases, and misleading headlines. As a result, we are Down-to-Earth, sleeves up and hands in the soil. An added value you don't find anywhere in this industry.

Green Roof Mission in North America Jorg Breuning collaborated on over 15 Award winning projects in Germany and USA


Firstly, in collaborative efforts from project feasibility, creative conceptual design, design development to construction documents we streamline every project. Secondly our advise in the bidding phase, construction administration, and project management increases profitability. Last but not least with experienced hands-on training, installer guidance or even design-build, Green Roof Technology solves any situation that may arise.

Jörg Breuning:
"It is about sharing knowledge, expertise and common sense to make new experts. Those further spread the idea and boost green technology for a greener world. Because this is important to me, this website provides more in depth information and news-to-use than any other in the industry. We do that because we can."

Career and Development of a Green Roof Mission


1st September 1980, starting 2 years apprenticeship at Arnold GmbH, one of the first Green Roof company in Germany with around $2 million revenue annually in Green Roofs. Simultaneously,  2 year study at the world’s oldest Horticultural school in Stuttgart, Germany.


Receiving national acknowledgement and award as certified Horticulturalist and Landscaper.


Foremen and manager of landscaping crews in Green Roof installations. Moreover these projects still exist today. Additionally received Green Roof installer certification by the world’s largest system manufacturer. 


Starting at horticultural school at University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. University was founded by King William I of Württemberg in 1818 after the eruption of the Indonesian volcano Mount Tambora 1815. Because the volcano outbreak triggered a global climate change, the need for agricultural and horticultural improvements were in need. It is Stuttgart's oldest university since its primary areas of specialization were traditionally agricultural and natural sciences.


During courses of study at University of Hohenheim, the parent company of Green Roof Technology was founded. Specializing in the installation and maintenance of Green Roofs (Name: Dach+Wand Grün)


Receiving certification as national approved horticultural and landscape Technician. Additionally with state educator license and landscape designer license.
Innovations, Inventions, and Developments


Development of single-layer extensive Green Roof system and promoting biodiversity on green Roofs. As a result, awarded with contract for more than 300,000sf of green roof on schools within City of Stuttgart.


First improvements of Hydro-seeding equipment for Green Roof applications. In addition with hydro-mulch from production waste.


First Green Roof company with specialization of biological treatments against specific pests. In fact the treatment was applied by hydro-seeder.


First patent application by Green Roof Technology with a solution for greening high speed rail road tracks below 120 miles per hours. Main use for sound adsorbing.


External project manager and crew coordinator for Green Roof projects. Specifically at Mercedes-Benz - Daimler production facilities, totaling over 1.5 million sf of Green Roofs within 2 years.


Independent design and project manager at a zero runoff warehouse project. Additionally, installation crew coordination for 510,000sf of Green Roof in only three months.
North America and World


External project manager, design coordinator and installation educator at City Hall Chicago green roof project. Further in depth education for plants growers like Green Roof Plants (Ed Snodgrass), providing literature for GRHC, and engineering soil blends for Midwest Trading Inc.


The first official introducing of the German FLL guideline to North America (the mother of all American Green Roof Guidelines).


Design support, engineering solutions and installation management for most award winning Green Roof project of Roofscapes - Roofmeadow, Inc.. Roofscapes was the first design, engineering and build firm for Green Roofs in North America with the most awarded project in the USA. Additionally, consulting and key advisor for the first Green Roof research in NA at PennState University.


Developing the first Green Roof installer trainings and promoting to landscaping firms. Practical installer training for Furbish Company, Tecta America, Green Roof Solutions, and NY Green Roofs. In fact all of these companies are now key players in the green roof industry.


Finally a big move. Relocating of German Green Roof consulting firm to the USA as Green Roof Service LLC, Green Roof Technology. Further introduction of high efficient Green Roof components that didn't exist in NA. Following with the creation of a product line at Resource  Conservation Technology, Inc. Setting up a production for the first US produced Sedum mats at Emory Knoll Farms.


Founding of Rooflite and Skyland, LLC. The first company in North America for certified Green Roof growing media with the most projects served in the USA. Later in 2010 shares sold.


First meeting for creating ASTM Green Roof standards with an in-depth introduction of updated FLL guideline. Further education of ASTM participants.


Invited as an advisor for Green Roof educational courses 301 and 401 at GRHC. Today known as Green Roof Professional Training. Simultaneously executing of first hydro-seeding project on Green Roofs in Chicago.


Key contractor and project manager for Green Roof installations on Celebrity Cruise Ships. In summary five Cruise ships totaling 60,000sf real lawn. Because all the projects still exist today and travel the world thin all climate zones on Earth, it was awarded multiple times. The "Lawn Club" is still in the Top 10 of customer experience at Celebrity Cruise.


Green Roof growing media testing standards established in North America. Connecting Penn State University (USA) with Geisenheim Universitiy in Germany (Prof. Dr. Stephan Roth-Kleyer) to start the first Green Roof media testing laboratory in North America with "FLL" tests. Still today (2023) the leading testing lab in North America.


Inauguration and introduction of the first integrated Solar Green Roof system to North America. Of course with two demonstration projects. One in New York City and one in Sterling, VA. See more at https://www.solargardenroof.com


Advisory and consulting services for Green Roofs on Caribbean islands and start of growth media production in Dominican Republic. All materials were based on recycled materials or renewable components.  Update 2023: leading Green Roof Growth media producer in the Caribbean. 


First project with Foam Glass Gravel in North America. Because closed cell Foam Glass didn't exist in the USA, the product was shipped from Germany. Totaling 38 container loads and installed in 3 weeks on a zero run-off Green Roof in San Francisco, California.


Introduction of the first advancement for fully integrated Solar Green Roof systems. This Solar Garden System was the most sold Biosolar, Argisolar or combined Green Roof with Solar system in 2020. However, the entire North American is still a little fraction (10%) compared to Germany in regards of new Solar Green Roofs installed annually.


Another first in North America by Jörg Breuning - Green Roof Technology: First Green Roof system developed with open cell Foam Glass made in USA. Successfully used on projects in Houston, Texas and California! The start for Cradle-to-Cradle on Green Roofs and the start for investors to look into the FoamGlass Gravel (ULA) production in USA - see also 2019.


Different cooperation agreements with solar companies to provide high-level design-build solution of Solar Green Roofs. Introducing collaborations between different trades (Green Roof, Solar, Roofing etc.) to fulfil the demand for combined solutions, maximizing the environmental benefits for structures. Free lance Chief Innovation Officer and product developments for various Green Roof suppliers and roofing manufacturers.


Key Consultant for Aero Aggregates Inc. for the living green market. Foam Glass gravel is produced from 100% recycled glass, it is an environmentally friendly replacement for polystyrene (geofoam) in the Green Roof industry. Aero Aggregates Inc. was the first Foamglass Aggregate producer in North America on a large scale. 


Dubai, UAE: Sustainable Pavilion, world exhibition 2020(2021/COVID).  Green Roof design and engineering support for Grimshaw Architects American design firm for Sustainable Pavilion in Dubai, world exhibition in 2020 (2021/COVID). Grimshaw Architects here.


Riyadh, KSA: In-depth advisory, knowledge transfer, and consulting services for Water-Wealth (www.water-wealth.com). The first Design-Build and full service Green Roof and Green Wall company in KSA is now able to design and engineer low water consumption Green Roofs with locally sourced components, recycled materials or sustainably sources components. Solutions go beyond one-size-fits-all solutions from any other European Green Roof suppliers.


Innovation, inventing and developing of “Monolithic Platform” and first opensource KLIMA ROOF Green Roof system. It is the most flexible, effective and economic Green Roof system solution on the world market and suitable for all climate zones including deserts. With a few - mostly locally sourced components - it allows any type of Green Roof, Blue Green Roof to be combined with non-penetrating technical systems like Solar, railings, HVAC, roof anchors, other safety devices or any amenity options. The system is supported by all roofing warranties on the market. Originally made in the USA but possible any where with an overall recycled content over 75%.


World's First: NO PLASTIC Green Roof with 100% recycled or renewable resources and with Cradle-to-Cradle options. Green Roof without the use of plastic were veery common before the Green Roof revolution 1970 started in Germany. Thus, many Non-Plastic Green Roofs we see today are often older than 60-150 years, some are over 200 years old. Such old Green Roofs are hard to imagine in our fast-paced, plastic dominated world but the plants have the most natural environment possible to often outperform modern Green Roofs with over engineered materials.


Green Riyadh project, King Salman Park, is one of the most ambitious urban forestation projects in the world. Jorg Breuning - Green Roof Technology - was honored to contribute the basic and advanced understanding of sustainable Green Roofs to the Royal Commission for Riyadh City, Boeri Architects and Omrania Architects in multiple workshops. 


Sustainable and resilient Green Roof engineering for multiple high-end residential projects in the Caribbean (e.g. Turk & Caicos, St. John Virgin Islands) with water collecting and water saving natural soil profiles allowing native vegetation. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) for Green Roof for Apple at Apple store in Miami, FL.


KALBA ROCK ART CENTER, UAE: Key consultant for the world's first desert style Green roof that seamlessly merge from roof into a unique desert native landscape. Together with Pragma Architecture the goal is to make this project standout but also hide in a delicate natural environment with the use of selected natural and locally source materials. Project management is cruicial and over 43 years of project experience streamline the construction.


North America's first vertical PV and Micro Windmill Green Roof system. Research project increasing renewable energy from Green Roofs without giving-up valuable space for vegetation to improve stormwater management and reduce Heat Island Effects.